Symbol NEF (Nabil Equity Fund)
Fiscal Year 080-081
Announcement Detail Nabil Investment Banking Limited has distributed Rs.10.77262837 per unit return scheme (cash Dividend) directly to the bank account of its "Nabil Equity Fund" unit holders on Magh 15, 2080 along with collection of uncollected due return scheme of past fiscal years and has urged them to dematerialize their units/bank accounts.
Announcement Date 2024/04/26 AD (2081/01/14 BS)
Tags Notice    Return Scheme    Dividend Collection    Dematerialize Shares   
Bookclose Date
% Cash Dividend
% Bonus Share
Right Share Ratio
Date 2024/04/26 AD (2081/01/14 BS)
Venue Nabil Investment Banking Limited, 3rd Floor, Central Plaza, Narayanchaur, Naxal, Kathmandu